
Breakfast platter 05.02

Original price was: 25,00 €.Current price is: 20,00 €. inc. Vat

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Start your day right with this breakfast of champions.

Make your own hash browns, “bacon”, scrambled tofu and roasted tomatoes.

This course is a must for fans of savory breakfast foods.


The course will take 2 hours and be held via Zoom on the 05.02.2022  from 12:00-14:00.

You will receive the recipe of the dish two days before the course as well as detailed instructions and ingredients.

You are encouraged to ask questions and participate actively, but it is not required.


Tools neededTarvittavat välineet
1 frying spatula 1 paistinlasta
1 cutting board 1 leikkuulauta
1 chef knife 1 kokkiveitsi
stick blendersauvasekoitin
4 small bowls4 pientä kulhoa
2-3 pots2-3 pientä/keskikokoista kattilaa
scale / measurement cupVaaka tai mittalasi
jars to blend inpitkä kulho/mittalasi


Ingredients ListRaaka-aineet
red onionspunasipulia
sunflower oilauringonkukkaöljyä
lemon juicesitruunamehua
apple cider vinegaromenaviinietikkaa
maple syrup / agave syrupagavesiirappia tai vaahterasiirappia
garlic cloves valkosipulia
fresh basiltuoretta basilikaa
veggie stockkasvislientä
soy milksoijamaitoa
vegan butter / margarine margariinia
wheat flourvehnäjauhoa
liquid smokenestemäistä savuaromia
onion powdersipulijauhoa
chili powderchilijauhetta
smoked paprika powdersavupaprikajauhetta
tomato pureetomaattipyrettä
cumin powderjuustokuminaa
bell pepper paprikaa
coriander seedskorianterin siemeniä
whole clovesneilikkaa
salt and peppersuolaa ja pippuria


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